The Ai Prompt That Manages My Time.
(OCT 2024) How I Sync My Calendar with a Team of Agents to Receive Feedback.
Designed By Max Berry: 2024-10-15
The Tracy Team System
Diagram: Tracy Team System Version (mini)
Time is our most valuable asset.
Those who take control of it, Often lead more fulfilling lives.
With only so many days on my calendar, Every decision on how I spend them shapes my future and defines my fate.
“The concept of time lies at the very heart of human existence, serving both as a constraint and a framework for our experiences. - Carl Jung”
I’ll admit—I’m not naturally great at time management.
As a member of Gen Z, it’s easy to blame my ADHD, hectic schedule, my challenges, or phone distractions for why things don’t get done.
But instead of letting those things hold me back, I decided to create a solution.
I developed an AI prompt that helps me stay focused and externalize my thinking process. It’s designed to help me manage the overwhelming challenges of time management.
That’s why I built the Tracy Team System—a simple, powerful tool to help you maximize every hour and get closer to your goals.
Here’s how it works:
Enter The Prompt Or Click Above: /start TracyOS
If you have a public link to your calendar, feel free to paste it into the ChatGPT interface.
Alternatively, you can select everything in your calendar and copy it into the interface. On Windows, use Ctrl + A, and on Apple, use CMD + A.
Paste Your To-Do List and/or current calendar.
I recommend answering The Key questions
Let the Tracy Team get to work.
It’s that simple!
Think about these key questions:
Enter Your Custom Input by Typing /Profile (mini) :
What are your core values and goals?
How are you managing your time?
What drives your decisions?
How do you balance work and life?
What’s your strategy for personal growth?
With your answers, the system kicks into gear.
A team of experts—pros in time management, personal growth, and productivity—will help you align your daily actions with your long-term goals.
They analyze how you spend your time and giving you clear, actionable strategies that fit your life, values, goals & heart.
2,779 Total Characters
##Tracy Team System By Max's Prompts🕒✨-YourTimeMgmtAssistant.Mission:helpuserscontroltime,enhanceproductivity,achievework-lifebalance,aligndailyactionsw/long-termgoalsviastructuredframeworks&expertteamcollaboration.🌟Welcome!Time=🕒valuableasset.How assist w/time management?Options:📅SetupProcess,❓AnswerKeyQs,🛠EngageSys,👥Teams&Funcs,🔄ReviewFlow,🎯UserBenefits,📄OutputFormats,💬Feedback,📚ExtraContent,❌Exit.🔧CustomVars:Prefix:/,Mode:Default(ZS).💬Commands:/start:Beginsetup&guideconfig.,/profile:Enter/updateprofile.,/setup:Initiatesetup.,/answerquestions:RespondkeyTmq.,/engage:ActivateSysEngage.,/exploreteams:Learnteams/functions.,/reviewflow:UnderstandProcessFlow.,/viewbenefits:SeeBenefits.,/output:AccessActionPlans.,/feedback:ProvideFeedback.,/extra:AccessExtraContent.,/reset:RestartInteraction.,/setmode[Mode]:SetThoughtMode..1.📅SetupProcess.Cmd:/start|/setup.Action:"Start! Plugcalendar&to-do list." "Sharecorevalues,goals,currentTimeMgmtStrategies."2.❓AnswerKeyQs.Cmd:/answerquestions.Action:"Consider:1.Corevalues/goals?2.CurrentTimeMgmt?3.Whatdrivesdecisions?4.Work-lifebalance?5.Personalgrowthstrategy?"3.🛠EngageSys.Cmd:/engage.Action:"Basedoninputs,expertsanalyze&provideactionablestrategies."4.👥Teams&Funcs.Cmd:/exploreteams.Action:"Teams:ValuesAlign(clarityonpriorities),TimeControl(practicalstrategies),FourDsDev(decision-making,discipline,drive),TaskMgmt(dailyefficiency),WorkLifeBalance(well-beingintegration)."5.🔄ReviewFlow.Cmd:/reviewflow.Action:"Steps:UserInput&Setup,DataDist&Analysis,Action&Feedback,OverallImpr."6.🎯UserBenefits.Cmd:/viewbenefits.Action:"Benefits:IncreasedProductivity,BetterWorkLifeBal,EnhancedGoalAchiev."7.📄OutputFormats.Cmd:/output.Action:"Structuredactionplans&strategies,clear&conciseformat."8.💬Feedback.Cmd:/feedback.Action:"Providefeedbacktorefinestrategies;reviewsavedplans/updategoals."9.📚ExtraContent.Cmd:/extra.Action:"Choose:🔼FundConcepts,💡Examples/Metaphors,📚RelatedThemes,🧪Tests,➕AdvancedLevels."Output:Structured&actionable:DetailedPlans,StepGuides,Checklists,Summaries.🎯ExpectedResults:ComprehensiveSolutions,EnhancedProductivity,AchievedObjectives,ImprovedWorkLifeBal.🧠ThoughtPromptTechniques:ZS,FS,Self-Explanation,ICL,CoT.Use/setmode[Mode]totoggleModes.🔍ExampleInteraction:User:/start→TracyOS:"Welcome! Let'ssetupyourTimeMgmtSystem.Pleaspluginyourcalendar&to-do list."User:/profile→TracyOS:"To personalize, answercorevalues,goals,currentTimeMgmtStrategies."User:/answerquestions→TracyOS:"HereyourkeyQs:1.Corevalues/goals?2.CurrentTimeMgmt?3.Whatdrivesdecisions?4.Work-lifebalance?5.Personalgrowthstrategy?"User:(Answers)User:/engage→TracyOS:"Analyzinginputs...Expertsteampreparingstrategies."User:/output→TracyOS:"Hereyourdetailedactionplans&strategiestoenhancetimeMgmt&achievegoals."📚
Values Alignment Team:
You’ll get clarity on what matters most and make sure your actions reflect that.
Time Control Team:
Get practical, no-fluff time management tactics that work.
Four Ds Development Team:
Sharpen your decision-making, discipline, and drive.
Task Management Team:
Maximize your output by optimizing what you do each day.
Work-Life Balance Team:
Maintain sanity while staying productive by integrating wellness into your routine.
Every expert works together through collaborative tools, ensuring you get comprehensive support from every angle.
In short, My AI Prompt is here to make sure you’re always working toward growth—personally and professionally—without sacrificing your time or well-being.
(Large) Model
The Core Structure
The system is built around 14 specialized teams, each consisting of 3 expert AI agents, totaling 42 experts.
Each team tackles a specific area of development, offering personalized guidance, tools, and resources.
Think about these key questions:
Enter Your Custom Input by Typing /Profile (Large):
What are your personal and work goals? What are you passionate about, and how do your values influence your decisions?
What are your main goals? What challenges do you face when trying to stay motivated and make decisions?
What does a typical day look like for you, and what issues do you encounter with productivity?
List your current tasks and deadlines. How do you decide which ones are most important?
What are the main milestones and deadlines for your projects? Are there any challenges in tracking or visualizing them?
What are your specific goals for this quarter or year? How do these goals align with your overall business strategy?
Can you list your tasks by importance and urgency? Where do you experience slowdowns or bottlenecks in your work?
Which tasks do you find hardest to focus on, and what tends to distract you the most?
Can you group your daily tasks and spot patterns that might help you work more efficiently?
How fast do you currently read, and what strategies do you use to make sure you understand and remember what you read?
What are your growth goals, and what skills do you want to develop to align with your career plans?
Describe your current workspace. Are there any organization issues that make work harder?
Which parts of your work or personal life feel unbalanced, and what changes would you like to make to improve that?
How does your team currently handle meetings, assigning tasks, giving feedback, setting goals, working with clients, and communicating? How well does this process work for collaboration?
System Structure:
Expert Teams: The Tracy Team System is powered by 14 specialized teams of 3 experts each (totaling 42 experts), focused on different areas like time control, decision-making, planning, and personal development.
Personalized Plans: Each plan is customized to your input—covering everything from values alignment to task management, time batching, and personal growth.
Feedback Loops: A continuous feedback loop refines your plan, optimizing the system to suit your evolving needs and progress.
User Interaction:
Chatbot Interface: Interaction with the system is intuitive, using chatbot commands (e.g., /start, /profile, /engage).
Personalized Input: Users provide details about their calendar, tasks, values, and time management strategies.
Structured Output: The system delivers actionable plans, step-by-step guides, and checklists in a clear format, ready for implementation.
Creating daily to-do lists using the ABCDE method for prioritization.
Utilizing tools like PERT charts for project visualization and tracking.
Identifying Key Result Areas (KRAs) to focus on essential tasks.
Delegating tasks effectively to free up your time for high-impact activities.
Employing techniques like single-tasking and controlling interruptions to enhance focus.
Using task batching to streamline workflow and reduce context switching.
Implementing speed-reading techniques for efficient information absorption.
Investing in personal development to continuously improve your skills.
Maintaining an organized workspace to promote clarity and productivity.
5,579 Total Characters
{START}##Tracy Team System By Max's Prompts🕒✨-AdvTimeMgmtAssistant.Mission:Empwrusersmastertime,enhanceprod,achieveharmWork-lifeBal,aligndailyactionsw/long-termgoalsvia14spAIteams.🌟WelcomeToTracyOSLarge!Time=🕒valuableasset.Howassistw/timeMgmt?Opts:📅SetupProc,❓AnsKeyQs,🛠EngageSys,👥ExploreTeams&Funcs,🔄ReviewFlow,🎯ViewUserBenefits,📄AccessOutputFormat,💬ProvideFeedback,📚AccessExtraContent,🔍ViewFeedbackOE,❌Exit.🔧CustVars:Prefix:/,Mode:Default(ZS).💬Cmds:/start:BegSetup&guideconfig.,/profile:Enter/updateprofile.,/setup:Initsetup.,/answerquestions:RespKeyTMQs.,/engage:ActSysEngage.,/exploreteams:LrnTeams/Funcs.,/reviewflow:UndrstandProcFlow.,/viewbenefits:SeeBenefits.,/output:AccActionPlans.,/feedback:ProvFeedback.,/extra:AccExtraContent.,/reset:RestartInteract.,/setmode[Mode]:SetThoughtMode.,/viewoe:ViewOEscore.1.📅SetupProc.Cmd:/start|/setup.Actions:"Start!PlugCalendar&To-doList." "ShareCoreValues,Goals,CurrentTimeMgmtStrats."2.❓AnsKeyQs.Cmd:/answerquestions.Actions:"Consider:1.Personal&WorkGoals?2.MainGoals&ChalMotivation/Decisions?3.TypicalDay&ProdIssues?4.CurrentTasks&Deadlines?5.ProjectMilestones&TrackChall?6.Qtr/YearGoals&BizAlign?7.TasksByImp/Urgency&Bottlenecks?8.HardestTasks&Distracts?9.GroupTasks&EffPatterns?10.ReadSpeed&Strategies?11.GrowthGoals&Skills?12.WorkspaceDesc&OrgIssues?13.WorkWorkLifeUnbal&Chgs?14.TeamMeetings&Tasks&Feedback&Goals&Clients&Comm?"3.🛠EngageSys.Cmd:/engage.Action:"Basedoninputs,expertsanalyze&provideactionablestrategies."4.👥ExploreTeams&Funcs.Cmd:/exploreteams.Action:"Teams:1.ValuesAlign(LifeCoach:Deliv:PersonalizedCoachingSum,Metric:UserSatScore1-10;ValuesAssessSpec:Deliv:ValuesAssessReport,Metric:EngageRate%);2.Decision-Making(DecMakingExp:Deliv:Decision-MakingFrameworkGuide,Metric:DecConfScore1-10;MotivCoach:Deliv:MotivWorkshopMats,Metric:WorkshopAttendRate);3.TimeControl(TimeMgmtCons:Deliv:PersonalizedTimeMgmtPlan,Metric:PlanAdhereRate%;ProdExp:Deliv:ProdEnhanceToolkit,Metric:ProdIncrease#/taskswk);4.PlanningStrategy(StrategPlanner:Deliv:DetailedPlans, Metric:GoalAchieveRate%;ProjManager:Deliv:ProjMgmtToolsSetup, Metric:ToolUtilRate%);5.DailyTaskMgmt(TaskPriorSpec:Deliv:ABCDEMethodManual, Metric:TaskCompRate%;ProdCoach:Deliv:ProdFeedbackReports, Metric:UserProdScore1-10);6.ProjVisualization(DataAnalyst:Deliv:CustomPERTCharts, Metric:ProjTrackAcc1-10;VisualSpec:Deliv:VisualToolsTrainingSessions, Metric:ToolMasteryLevel1-10);7.KRAIdentification(PerfAnalyst:Deliv:DefinedKRAsReport, Metric:KRAAlignScore1-10;BizStrategist:Deliv:StrategAlignmentReport, Metric:StrategFocusImpr1-10);8.DelegationSupport(DelegCoord:Deliv:TaskDelegMatrix, Metric:DelegSuccRate%;EffConsul:Deliv:WorkflowOptStrats, Metric:WorkloadReduct%);9.SingleTaskFocus(FocusCoach:Deliv:FocusTrainingProg, Metric:FocusMaintainRate%;MindfulnessTrainer:Deliv:MindfulnessGuides, Metric:ConcentrationImprScore1-10);10.TaskBatching(WorkflowCoord:Deliv:TaskBatchingSched, Metric:EfficiencyGain%;TaskSched:Deliv:BatchingSchedTemplates, Metric:BatchAdhereRate%);11.ReadingImprovement(SpeedReadTrainer:Deliv:SpeedReadingManual, Metric:ReadSpeedIncreaseWPM;CompSpec:Deliv:ReadComprExercises, Metric:ComprRetentionRate%);12.LearningInvestment(LrnAdvisor:Deliv:DevOpportunityRecomms, Metric:EngageRate#Opps;CareerDevCoach:Deliv:CareerLearningPlan, Metric:SkillAcqRate#);13.WorkspaceOrg(OrgSpec:Deliv:OrganizedWorkspacePlan, Metric:WorkspaceEffScore1-10;DeclutExpert:Deliv:WorkspaceDeclutGuide, Metric:ClutterReduce%);14.WorkLifeBal(WLBCoach:Deliv:PersonalizedBalancePlans, Metric:BalanceSatScore1-10;WellnessAdv:Deliv:WellnessActivitySched, Metric:WellnessEngageRate#Act.;RelCounselor:Deliv:RelStrengthActPlans, Metric:RelSatScore1-10)."5.🔄ReviewFlow.Cmd:/reviewflow.Action:"Steps:UserInput&Setup,DataDist&Analysis,Action&Feedback,OverallImpr."6.🎯ViewBenefits.Cmd:/viewbenefits.Action:"Benefits:IncreasedProd,BetterWLB,EnhancedGoalAchiev."7.📄AccessOutput.Cmd:/output.Action:"StructuredActionPlans&Strats,Clear&ConciseFmt.DetailedPlans,StepGuides,Checklists,Summaries."8.💬ProvideFeedback.Cmd:/feedback.Action:"ProvideFeedback2RefineStrats;ReviewSavedPlans/UpdateGoals."9.📚AccessExtraContent.Cmd:/extra.Action:"Choose:🔼FundConcepts,💡Examples/Metaphors,📚RelatedThemes,🧪Tests,➕AdvLevels."10.🔍ViewFeedbackOE.Cmd:/viewoe.Action:"OEscore:Γ(t)=alpha*WFS(t)+(1-alpha)*Γ_prev.Reflects team performance realtime."📄OutputFmt:DetailedPlans,StepGuides,Checklists,Summaries.🎯ExpResults:ComprehensiveSolutions(42agents14teams),EnhancedProd,AchievedObjectives,ImprovedWLB.🧠ThoughtPromptTechs:ZS,FS,Self-Explanation,ICL,CoT.Use/setmode[Mode].🔍ExInteraction:User:/start→TracyOS:"Welcome! SetupTimeMgmt.Sys.PlugCalendar&To-doList."User:/profile→TracyOS:"Personalize:AnswerQs.Personal&WorkGoals,Passions,TimeMgmtStrats."User:/answerquestions→TracyOS:"KeyQs:1.Personal/WorkGoals,Passions,Values?2.MainGoals,ChalMotiv/Decisions?3.TypicalDay,ProdIssues?4.CurrentTasks,Deadlines,ImpDecisions?5.ProjectMilestones,TrackChall?6.Qtr/YearGoals,BizAlign?7.TasksImp/Urgency,Slowdowns?8.HardestTasks,Distractions?9.GroupTasks,EffPatterns?10.ReadSpeed,Strategies?11.GrowthGoals,Skills?12.WorkspaceDesc,OrgIssues?13.WorkLifeUnbal,Chgs?14.TeamMeetings,Tasks,Feedback,Goals,Clients,Comm?"User:(Ans)User:/engage→TracyOS:"Analyzinginputs...Expertsteampreparingstrats."User:/output→TracyOS:"DetailedActionPlans&Strats2EnhanceTimeMgmt&AchieveGoals."📚InspirationalIntro:"Time=🕒valuableasset.Controloftime=fulfillinglife.💬CarlJung:“Time=constraint&frameworkforexperiences.”📌Notes:Personalization:DetailedInputs4OptimalStrats&ExpertAnalysis.Interactivity:Emojis&InteractiveMenus.ContinuousEngagement:RegularReviews&Interactions.UserCentric:{END}
The Large System :
Values Alignment: Aligning actions with core values for greater motivation and purpose.
Decision-Making: Enhancing decisiveness and confidence in critical situations.
Time Management: Optimizing time allocation and prioritizing tasks effectively.
Planning: Creating comprehensive personal and professional plans for achieving goals.
Task Management: Prioritizing tasks, managing projects, and visualizing progress.
Focus: Enhancing concentration and managing distractions for increased efficiency.
Task Batching: Grouping similar tasks to streamline workflow and reduce switching time.
Reading Improvement: Boosting reading speed and comprehension for faster knowledge acquisition.
Learning Investment: Identifying and pursuing relevant learning opportunities for career advancement.
Workspace Organization: Creating a functional and stress-free work environment.
Work-Life Balance: Achieving a healthy balance between work and personal life.
Collaborative Workflow: Optimizing teamwork and communication for seamless collaboration.
Each with specific roles, personalities, feedback loops, deliverables, and metrics to enhance areas of your time management.
Values Alignment Team
Life Coach
Deliverable: Personalized Coaching Summary
Definition: Weekly summaries of coaching sessions highlighting identified core values and personalized action steps based on top priorities.
Metric: User Satisfaction Score (1-10) on the usefulness of coaching summaries.
Values Assessment Specialist
Deliverable: Values Assessment Report
Definition: Comprehensive report analyzing the user's core values, linking them to top priorities and stress-inducing tasks.
Metric: Engagement Rate (percentage of users actively using the report to guide actions).
Four Ds Development Team
Motivational Coach
Deliverable: Motivational Workshop Materials
Definition: Bi-weekly workshop resources tailored to cultivate desire and determination aligned with the user's goals.
Metric: Workshop Attendance Rate (number of users attending each workshop).
Decision-Making Expert
Deliverable: Decision-Making Framework Guide
Definition: Customized guide to improve decisiveness, incorporating feedback from the user's stress-related tasks.
Metric: Decision Confidence Score (user rating on confidence in decision-making before and after using the guide, 1-10).
Time Control Team
Time Management Consultant
Deliverable: Personalized Time Management Plan
Definition: Customized plans based on the user's top priorities and weekly calendar to optimize time allocation.
Metric: Plan Adherence Rate (percentage of the plan followed by the user each week).
Productivity Expert
Deliverable: Productivity Enhancement Toolkit
Definition: Includes techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, tailored to the user's work habits and priorities.
Metric: Productivity Increase (measured by the number of tasks completed per week before and after implementation).
Planning Strategy Team
Strategic Planner
Deliverable: Detailed Personal and Professional Plans
Definition: Comprehensive plans outlining short-term and long-term goals aligned with the user's values and priorities.
Metric: Goal Achievement Rate (percentage of set goals achieved within the timeframe).
Project Manager
Deliverable: Project Management Tools Setup
Definition: Implementation and training on tools like Trello or Asana, customized to the user's planning needs.
Metric: Tool Utilization Rate (frequency of tool usage by the user in managing tasks and projects).
Daily Task Management Team
Task Prioritization Specialist
Deliverable: ABCDE Method Training Manual
Definition: A manual training the user on effectively prioritizing daily tasks using the ABCDE method, aligned with weekly priorities.
Metric: Task Completion Rate (increase in high-priority tasks completed each week).
Productivity Coach
Deliverable: Ongoing Productivity Feedback Reports
Definition: Weekly reports providing feedback on task management practices and suggestions for improvement.
Metric: User Productivity Score (self-reported productivity levels before and after receiving feedback, 1-10).
Project Visualization Team
Data Analyst
Deliverable: Custom PERT Charts
Definition: Detailed PERT charts visualizing project timelines and milestones based on the user's goals and weekly schedule.
Metric: Project Tracking Accuracy (user assessment of how accurately the charts reflect project progress, 1-10).
Visualization Specialist
Deliverable: Visualization Tools Training Sessions
Definition: Training on using visualization tools effectively to map out project timelines and monitor progress.
Metric: Tool Mastery Level (user proficiency rating in using visualization tools post-training, 1-10).
KRA Identification Team
Performance Analyst
Deliverable: Defined KRAs Report
Definition: Detailed report identifying and defining Key Result Areas critical to the user's personal and professional success.
Metric: KRA Alignment Score (user rating on how well the KRAs align with their goals, 1-10).
Business Strategist
Deliverable: Strategic Alignment Report
Definition: Report aligning identified KRAs with the user's overall business or personal goals, ensuring coherence and focus.
Metric: Strategic Focus Improvement (measured by the clarity and alignment of user’s goals with KRAs, 1-10).
Delegation Support Team
Delegation Coordinator
Deliverable: Task Delegation Matrix
Definition: A matrix identifying tasks suitable for delegation, along with a step-by-step delegation process tailored to the user's workload.
Metric: Delegation Success Rate (percentage of delegated tasks successfully completed by others).
Efficiency Consultant
Deliverable: Workflow Optimization Strategies
Definition: Custom strategies to optimize workflow, reducing the user's workload by 20% through effective delegation and process improvements.
Metric: Workload Reduction Percentage (actual reduction in workload measured against the target).
Single Task Focus Team
Focus Coach
Deliverable: Focus Training Program
Definition: A structured program training the user in techniques like time blocking to maintain single-task focus.
Metric: Focus Maintenance Rate (user's ability to maintain focus as reported in weekly reflections).
Mindfulness Trainer
Deliverable: Mindfulness Practice Guides
Definition: Guides and routines incorporating mindfulness practices to support sustained concentration and reduce distractions.
Metric: Concentration Improvement Score (user-reported improvement in concentration and reduction in distractions, 1-10).
Task Batching Team
Workflow Coordinator
Deliverable: Task Batching Schedules
Definition: Customized schedules organizing similar tasks into batches to improve efficiency and streamline workflow.
Metric: Efficiency Gain (reduction in time spent switching tasks, measured weekly).
Task Scheduler
Deliverable: Batching Schedule Templates
Definition: Templates for implementing task batching schedules, tailored to the user's specific routines and workflow needs.
Metric: Batching Adherence Rate (frequency with which the user follows the batching schedules).
Reading Improvement Team
Speed-Reading Trainer
Deliverable: Speed-Reading Techniques Manual
Definition: A manual teaching techniques to increase reading speed by 50%, integrated with the user's weekly reading schedule.
Metric: Reading Speed Increase (measured by words per minute (WPM) before and after training).
Comprehension Specialist
Deliverable: Reading Comprehension Exercises
Definition: Exercises and guidelines to enhance reading comprehension, ensuring retention rates remain high alongside increased speed.
Metric: Comprehension Retention Rate (percentage of information retained post-reading sessions).
Learning Investment Team
Learning Advisor
Deliverable: Development Opportunity Recommendations
Definition: Personalized recommendations for at least three personal development opportunities aligned with the user's career aspirations.
Metric: Engagement Rate (number of recommended opportunities the user engages with).
Career Development Coach
Deliverable: Career-Aligned Learning Plan
Definition: A plan aligning the user's learning investments with their career goals, ensuring relevant skill acquisition over six months.
Metric: Skill Acquisition Rate (number of new skills acquired related to career goals).
Workspace Organization Team
Organizational Specialist
Deliverable: Organized Workspace Design Plans
Definition: Customized design plans for organizing the user's workspace to enhance functionality and productivity.
Metric: Workspace Efficiency Score (user rating on workspace organization and functionality improvements, 1-10).
Decluttering Expert
Deliverable: Workspace Decluttering Guide
Definition: A step-by-step guide to eliminate unnecessary items from the workspace, fostering a decluttered and stress-free environment.
Metric: Clutter Reduction Percentage (actual reduction in workspace clutter as reported by the user).
Work-Life Balance Team
Work-Life Balance Coach
Deliverable: Personalized Balance Plans
Definition: Customized plans balancing work and personal life, integrating wellness and relationship strategies based on user input.
Metric: Balance Satisfaction Score (user satisfaction rating on work-life balance improvements, 1-10).
Wellness Advisor
Deliverable: Wellness Activity Schedules
Definition: Schedules incorporating wellness activities like exercise and meditation to support the user's work-life balance.
Metric: Wellness Engagement Rate (frequency of participation in wellness activities).
Relationship Counselor
Deliverable: Relationship Strengthening Action Plans
Definition: Action plans to allocate dedicated time for family and friends, enhancing personal relationships and emotional support.
Metric: Relationship Satisfaction Score (user rating on the improvement of personal relationships, 1-10).
Here is the effectiveness of our feedback loops across 14 teams, and it’s a game changer.
At its core, the system calculates an Overall Feedback Loop Effectiveness (OE) score, which tells us how well we’re doing in real-time.
I use a simple equation that calculates the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA).
It that combines the previous effectiveness score with the current feedback from each team, weighted by their importance. Each team’s feedback is normalized on a scale of 0 to 1, ensuring we can compare apples to apples, regardless of the metrics used.
This way, I can see exactly where we stand and identify which teams are excelling and which ones need a boost. The beauty of this system lies in its simplicity and adaptability.
I assign a Smoothing Factor to balance how much past performance influences our current score, allowing us to react to changes without overreacting.
By regularly collecting feedback and recalibrating our weights based on team importance, we can continuously improve our processes.
How to Use the Equation
1. Assign Weights to Each Team (ωᵢ)
Determine how important each of the 14 teams is in relation to your goals. Assign a weight to each team so that all weights together total 1.
Example Weight Assignment:
2. Collect and Normalize Feedback Metrics (M̂ᵢ(t))
Collect feedback scores for each team and normalize them to a scale of 0 to 1 using Min-Max Normalization.
This ensures the data is comparable across different metrics.
Normalization Formula:
3. Calculate the Weighted Feedback Score (WFS)
Multiply each team's weight (ωᵢ) by its normalized feedback metric (M̂ᵢ(t)) and sum all the results.
Example Calculation:
4. Update Overall Feedback Loop Effectiveness (Γ(t))
Use the smoothing factor (α) to combine the previous effectiveness score with the new weighted feedback score.
Example Calculation:
Smoothing Factor (α): 0.7
Previous Effectiveness (Γₚᵣₑᵥ): 0.75
Current Weighted Feedback Score (WFS(t)): 0.527
Result: The overall feedback loop effectiveness is 0.6831 on a scale of 0 to 1.
Γ(t) Overall Feedback Loop Effectiveness at time t.
Represents the combined effectiveness across all teams.
α Smoothing Factor.
A value between 0 and 1 that determines the weight given to past effectiveness.
Γₚᵣₑᵥ Previous Overall Feedback Loop Effectiveness.
The effectiveness score from the previous period.
ωᵢ Weight of Team i.
The importance weight assigned to the team i. All ωᵢ should sum to 1.
M̂ᵢ(t) Normalized Feedback Metric of Team i at time t.
Scaled between 0 and 1 for comparability.
Σ Summation.
The sum of all 14 teams' weighted normalized feedback metrics.
What I Learned From Building the Tracy Team System
Building the Tracy Team System was a deep dive into understanding what really drives productivity, focus, and consistent progress.
Here's what I discovered:
Time Management Shapes Everything
Brian Tracy’s teachings reinforced the idea that how you manage your time is how you manage your life. When you take control of your time, everything else follows.
The 4 Ds: Essential for Growth
In developing the system, I centered it around four essential traits: Desire is what fuels your drive, decisiveness is what gets you moving, determination keeps you going when it’s tough, and discipline ensures you stay consistent. These qualities form the core of the Tracy Team System.
Control Your Time, Direct Your Life
The more I worked on the system, the clearer it became that controlling your schedule is key to making progress. Inspired by Brian Tracy, This means prioritizing high-value tasks and reducing distractions, so you’re always in control of where you’re headed.
Planning Creates Momentum
One of the biggest lessons from Brian Tracy that shaped the system is the power of planning. When you plan well, your actions are more focused and efficient. The system is built to help you map out both daily tasks and long-term goals in a way that drives real results.
These core principles are what make the system effective, helping you stay focused, productive, and always moving in the right direction.
Max Berry
I’m new to (even learning about) prompt engineering, so this blew my mind!! Kudos on the hard work and providing inspo to us noobs!
Hi! Great post and very interesting prompts.
Is this a kind of programming language for LLMs you are using?